UPDATES + New Video |

Hey beauty lovers!

I am so sorry my lack of content and update. I hope this doesn't prove that I am not being a serious blogger. Excuses are excuses, but I do not feel happy with the layout of the blog. It does not inspire me to create. I am currently working on a whole new design and plan on starting to really buckle down into this.

Blogging and creating content for you all make m very happy. Although there might not be a lot of you, I still smile knowing that t least one person gets something out of my posts.

I am currently hosting a show called hoopingLIVE. it's a place where me and my panel of hoopers come together to talk to some of the greatest hoopers from all over the world. Interviews, DIY, how-to, and even performances are done on the show every Monday at 9pm eastern time! You can find the link here.

I also have bee working at a photography studio. I put a lot of time into the job because it means the world to me. They even take me to Vegas with them to do a shoot for the famous Aria Hotel and Resort! You can get updates on my internship here.

I also my my hoopers to look after. I create tutorials and theory flow videos that a lot of people finding inspiration from. I find that a huge role, to be someone who people are inspired by, and take it very seriously to create good and positive content. You can find my hooping channel here.

I am planning on doing a live beauty show much like my hoopingLIVE show, here in the next few months. I will keep you all updated!

As far as my blog goes, like I said, I am working on a new design and working with other artists so that I can produce great content in a space that is going to be beautiful for everyone to see! I am also working harder to create better videos that are even higher quality and well produced.

On top of all of this, I am going to start doing Vlogs. I will be creating them under OddVlogs. I havent decided yet ifI want to create a new channel or do it under a playlist on my Au De Couture channel. All of this in good time.

These are all my projects I have going on, on top of taking care of my body. I make a promise to you that I will continue to post and be better about it all!

Watch my latest haul video here!

Love and Light

If you want to keep updates with me you can find all my other social media links right here!









hoopingLIVE Show
(Mondays @ 9pm eastern time)

hoopingLIVE Facebook

hoopingLIVE Twitter


  1. Hey awesome person. I know this is a little off topic, but I'm really curious about the Benefit Hello Flawless shade you're using. The honey shade in the medium box set (the one you use right?) is much darker than my skin. And I actually dont think my skin that much lighter than yours, or maybe the camera just makes you look lighter, hmmm? Anyway! My question is, are you using a darker shade intentionally? And if so, are you finding it looks better than lighter shades? Reason I ask is that I have always had really bad luck with makeup (and shades); makeup artists tend to either cake too dark colours on me, or make me look like a ghost. But you look great so you've inspired me to try the whole makeup thing again.
    I'm just gonna do what you do, same shades and all, and see if that works. Which I'm convinced it will. :)

    Wow, that was a ramble. Hope you could follow that. :)

    Love, C


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